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Cloud computing stands at the forefront of modern technological advancement, offering a revolutionary paradigm for data storage, processing, and accessibility. This transformative approach enables businesses to access and utilize a vast array of computing resources, such as storage, servers, and databases, over the internet. Through renowned providers like AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud, organizations can scale resources on-demand, optimizing costs and eliminating the need for extensive on-premises infrastructure. Cloud computing fosters innovation by facilitating rapid application development and deployment, while also ensuring data security and disaster recovery. By harnessing the flexibility and efficiency of cloud computing, businesses can accelerate their operations, enhance collaboration, and drive unprecedented growth in today’s digitally-driven landscape.

Cloud computing

The 10 Best Free Learning Resources on AWS for Beginners

The top cloud computing platform that is highest in demand these days among developers is Amazon Web Services. It has several advantages, such as making it possible for suppliers and programmers to deploy applications quickly and securely. It is user-friendly, along with many other things, and allows the user to choose the OS, databases, and programming language. Nowadays, almost all… Continue readingThe 10 Best Free Learning Resources on AWS for Beginners

A team is discussing business outcomes.

Ways an AWS EDP Can Deliver Value During Your Cloud Experience

Many businesses are signing up for the Amazon web services enterprise discount program, which offers many advantages at a discounted price for people looking to commit to using cloud technology solutions for many years. Customers are rewarded for committing to a long-term cloud journey, which is highly profitable for organizations because they can completely revamp their IT structures and optimize… Continue readingWays an AWS EDP Can Deliver Value During Your Cloud Experience

CCT Can Manage Your Cloud Environment

How CCT Can Manage Your Cloud Environment

As cloud computing technology continues to evolve, so too does the need for effective cloud management tools and processes. The cloud has become an increasingly popular option for businesses of all sizes, and its benefits are well-documented. However, managing a cloud environment can be complex and challenging, particularly for those who are new to the technology. There are a number… Continue readingHow CCT Can Manage Your Cloud Environment

Cloud OpEx beats CapEx Inflation

Why Cloud OpEx beats CapEx Inflation

CAPEX (Capital Investments) and OPEX (Operating Investments), surely if you work in the financial or accounting department, these terms sound familiar to you, although you may have heard of capital expenses and operating expenses. Whether they are considered expenses or investments -we always prefer the second term because they will generate a profit. The truth is that both CAPEX and… Continue readingWhy Cloud OpEx beats CapEx Inflation

Key Cloud Toolbox Elements That Cloud Engineers Can Benefit From

Cloud Toolbox: A Guide to Tools and Tricks Needed by Cloud Engineers

This is particularly true for complicated projects such as cloud migration. But what about cloud engineers? Their tasks are a bit more daunting. There are a lot of tools and tricks that cloud engineers need to know in order to be successful. This can be a daunting task, especially for those who are just starting out. Luckily, there are plenty… Continue readingCloud Toolbox: A Guide to Tools and Tricks Needed by Cloud Engineers

Scrum Master Managing the Tasks

What is a Scrum Master?

While it may sound like something out of a fantasy game, the scrum master is a crucial agile project management role that requires expert leadership skills. The scrum master ensures the entire scrum process goes smoothly throughout the project. Scrum is a framework that implements agile processes in multiple projects, including software development. Scrum master utilizes this framework to manage… Continue readingWhat is a Scrum Master?

The Fundamentals of Migrating to the Cloud

The Fundamentals of Migrating to the Cloud

Many organizations are considering or have already begun migrating their workloads to the cloud. Studies show that a majority (80%) of organizations across the globe have adopted the cloud and are operating a hybrid model to cater to the recent technological ecosystem changes in 2022. In 2019, there were 3% companies that had no plans for cloud migration, but that… Continue readingThe Fundamentals of Migrating to the Cloud

Ethics Governance in Artificial Intelligence software

Ethics Governance in Artificial Intelligence software

With the increased usage of artificial intelligence software comes an increased demand for governance. Of course, there is always the possibility of human mistakes and a variety of other possible causes of inaccuracy, but in some software use cases, human interaction is not required. When these situations happen, it is critical that we keep the principles that govern them in… Continue readingEthics Governance in Artificial Intelligence software

Can Companies Survive Without Cloud In Their Portfolio

Can Companies Survive Without Cloud In Their Portfolio

Companies are trying to reduce expenses and make their structure more flexible in the worldwide IT sector as part of a series of business model improvements. An additional focus is on technology, with a focus on digital activities such as migration to the cloud, better customer experience, security, application modernization, and better customer experience. The Covid-19 pandemic has expedited the… Continue readingCan Companies Survive Without Cloud In Their Portfolio